Hier sind ein paar Stimmen von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern, für die ich bisher gedolmetscht habe.
Viel Freude beim Lesen.

“Nadine’s translating for our talk and workshop in Salzburg (November 2016) was so seamless that we felt completely connected with our participants at all times, including emotionally. She is a marvel. We highly recommend her work.” Jon Kabat-Zinn, PhD, Founder of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) and Professor of Medicine emeritus, University of Massachusetts Medical School
Myla Kabat-Zinn, B.S.N., R.N., Co-author of Everyday Blessings, the Inner Work of Mindful Parenting.
“Nadine translates both from and to the heart. She listens for the visceral sense of what the speaker is meaning. Words are conveyed with persistent accuracy. But beyond that, there is an active connection to a depth of meaning that goes beyond the words, and seeks to transmit the underlying energy of what is said. When she translates it’s like having a colleague there with me, collaborating in discovering the subject, re-framing it for those listening and sharpening my attention to my own speaking. The mindfulness she brings to her work makes my work better.”

Dominic Barter, Restorative Circles Originator
Web: http://www.restorativecircles.org

“Nadine Helm has translated for me a number of times through the years and she is a master. She not only translates the meaning of the words, but also translates the heart and essence of whats really trying to be conveyed. She is gifted in may ways with her intelligence and heart of compassion. Nadine is also a very skillful communicator. When I am in German speaking countries, I would not even consider working with anyone else. Nadine is a gem.” Bob Stahl, Ph.D, Buddhist Meditation and MBSR Teacher
Web: https://www.mindfulnessprograms.com
“Nadine has translated several workshops for me from English to German. If there is anyone I would choose for translating, Nadine is my first choice. I feel complete trust and confidence that she is conveying not only the words, but more importantly the spirit and essence of what I am transmitting. I have received feedback from several participants from these workshops, who are both fluent in German and English. The feedback has been consistent, describing their experience of Nadine’s translation as greatly enhancing their understanding and experience of the worksop. Several people have independently said that she not only translated with keen accuracy, but expressed the energy and consciousness of my communication in the workshops. I am confident that with Nadine translating one of my workshops in English to German, the participants will experience a high quality translation.” Robert Gonzales, Ph.D., certified trainer for Noviolent Communication (CNVC) und Originator of the work of Living Compassion
Web: www.living-compassion.org

“I just had the most wonderful easeful inspiring supportive confident experience. I just gave a three day intensive workshop with Nadine as my translator. And it was no easy job as she had to deal with many different kinds of voices in many different emotional states and nationalities. It helped that she really did her research, so she was able to be quite fluent with my particular idiosyncrasies and with the technological lingo of my particular subject. Wow! She is a force to be reckoned with! She was assertive when needed and patient when that was needed. But the thing that really touched me, really got me was the constant flow of connection, empathy and understanding I felt her not only translate my words but actually channel the power and vibrational energy of my message. There were many times that I forgot I was even being translated because it was so seamless.” Kelly Bryson MFT Author of “Don’t be nice, be Real “, Originator of Tribal Technologies. Certified nonviolent communication trainer.
Web: www.languageofcompassion.com
“I have had the great good fortune to have Nadine Helm as a translator for two mindfulness retreats, and look forward to many more. Her sensitivity to emotional tone, as well as her skill and facility in both German and English, create an atmosphere of clarity and ease in an area that can sometimes be tense and challenging. Her gift allows her to translate not just literal meaning, but a more nuanced sense of the whole person. I am so grateful for her amazing translation abilities.” Melissa Myozen Blacker, Roshi, Zen and mindfulness teacher
Web: www.worcesterzen.org, www.melissablacker.com

David Rynick
“Yes – I totally agree!” (to Melissa’s testimonial)
David Rynick, Zen Master, Author, Life and Leadership Coach,
Web: www.davidrynick.com
“What I remember from Nadine’s translation was that it went so smooth that I forgot that I was actually being translated. And I think it comes from a mixture of her voice, the sound level, but also her way of living herself into what I am saying, so that I have a sense that she is making clear the points that I want to make clear in ways that fits into the German language. Most of all I just remember that I forgot her through the translation.” Liv Larsson, GFK Trainerin, Mediatorin
Web: http://www.friareliv.se/index.php/en/

“Nadine Helm has translated for me during multiple workshops and trainings, and has always been superb. She offers an unusual combination of: great fluency in English; precision in translation; comfort with idioms as well as mindfulness, clinical, and academic terminology; sustained concentration; flexible and easygoing attitude; and warm support. I recommend Ms. Helm at the highest level. I am delighted to work with her whenever I can.” Rick Hanson, Ph.D., Author of Buddha’s Brain and other books
Web: http://www.rickhanson.net